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Hot Cross Buns

Made with mamasdough mix



90 min


Baking dish
Piping bag (for crosses)
Pastry brush (for glaze)


mamasdough mix
2 T mixed spice
3/4 C sultanas/raisins/chocolate chips
Flour (for crosses)

Paste for crosses

Combine water and flour to make a thick paste


  1. Preheat oven to 160°C
  2. Follow the mamasdough mix instructions (add the spice mix and sultanas/choc chips with dough mix)
  3. Once risen, turn dough out onto floured bench
  4. Fold dough over to form a rectangle
  5. Cut into even sized pieces (12–24)
  6. Roll into balls and place in oven tray; leave 2cm space between for rising
  7. Let rise till double in size in a warm place
  8. Fill piping bag with paste; pipe crosses over risen buns
  9. Bake in the oven at 160°C for 30min or until golden brown
  10. Glaze with melted jam (mamas loves apricot jam) while still hot

As fresh
as it gets